Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Class And Training

Hey Everybody!
It's Alec! First of all, I just want to thank everybody in my class for donating money to this cause! I also want to say that I would like friends to be there for me on the last leg of the trip. You may bike or just be there for me. I will be running low on power by then. So far, The people riding with me on the last day are Quintin Ricci, Matt Wohlebben, Brendan Boyle, and maybe Zac Branciforte. Sorry if I got your name wrong. Second, I've recently trained on the last leg of my trip. First it was a bit bumpy, but then it stopped as we reached the city. It was very crowded! Only two more days left!                                            



  1. Alec, Best of luck this weekend! Drink lots of water, eat bananas, and Kick it! We will be thinking about you all weekend, and I sure we will be getting updates from you know who! Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing some photos and videos.
    Also, very very impressive list of donors. You rock dude!
    Have fun,
    Randy and Twoline

  2. Alec- Good luck on your big ride!I will be thinking about you this weekend. You will do great!!!!
